Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Oh my gosh!

I am so sorry, I really meant to keep this blog up-to-date...but as usual, life gets in the way.

Thanks to everyone who continues to support me, even though I don't say it very often - you are all amazing people and without you, I wouldn't be allowed to continue to do what the Lord is asking me to do.

Life here has been pretty hectic since April - lots of changes. Many of the missions students went home for the summer - a lot of them will be back in September, which is nice - they already know their way around and can speak some much more helpful than newbies :-)

It looks as though Drumfest isn't happening this year - Lee and the NetWorks' leadership did a lot of praying into it and felt as though God was saying to be quiet this year - and just do something smaller with the not sure when that will happen, but it looks like it might be in early September (???) but that's not official :-).

Lots of gardens planted, Dece has taken off like crazy - lots of women working from home crocheting hats and sewing fabric hats - we've even started a t-shirt line, which is pretty cool. Andreas went to Sweden a few weeks ago and sold around 200 hats at festivals around Sweden, we've had orders for several hundred hats at a time and have a few full time distributors now, with lots of people making special it is an amazing time.

We've seen lots of people being prayed for and healings happening - lots of people believing and knowing that He is a team, we're all being challenged to move up a level...which is wonderful, but scary at the same time. This means that new giftings are appearing, that old giftings are being enhanced and becoming more powerful and that His Kingdom is appearing more and more often - somedays, all you have to do is lean a little bit and you enter into His Kingdom...pretty amazing stuff.

I've been leading more and more bible studies, which has often stretched me to breaking point - but He is good and never gives me more than I can handle. I often wonder where I would be if He hadn't challenged me to be here...

We're preparing ground for a schoolroom in Alfa (which is a small community of people squatting on top of a rubbish tip (dump site), it should be ready to be open in the fall. The farm has had some ups and downs in terms of getting done, but it looks as though it should be ready to re-open around Christmas-time or maybe before. Mums and babies is pretty quiet now, it looked as though Mariana might be leaving, since her husband just got out of jail, but unfortunately there was a glitch in that plan too, so Mariana gets to stay with us a while longer - which makes Garafita pretty happy, but not so much with Mariana ;-(.

All of us are pretty tired - the weather has been hot and humid (upwards of 100 degrees), so that makes it harder to move and harder to keep on an even keel - but we all operate with grace (or try to) so that makes it a bit easier/harder :-).

We've launched two new videos on youtube - you can see them on our webpage as well - go to one on the home page and one on the missions training page - they're pretty cool.

Not a lot in particular happening with me - loving it here, most days, although there are a few days when I wonder really what the heck I am still doing here - it's hot and muggy and there are too many bugs, not enough takeout food or conveniences....all the distractions of home get in the way, but honestly, I wouldn't change what I do for anything and I am SO lucky that you all support me and allow me to is a real privilege and honor to be able to work for Him.

Love you all very much, hope you are well, write sometime and let me know how you are all doing...